Top 10 Foods for Brain Health

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When we think of nutrition or dieting, we often think of weight loss and weight gain. This may be the strongest motivation for many to get involved in the subject, however, as you learn more about nutrition you realize that there is so much more to having an optimal diet than achieving the body shape you desire. 

I love keeping my nutrition optimized so I can get the most out of my mind and body. I believe there is a big difference between the feeling/ energy/performance of a healthy brain which has been fed amazing nutrients for a sustained period of time compared to one that has not. 

Try adding some of the following foods into your diet and you may also experience this difference

Here is a list of my top 10 Favorite Brain Foods

  1. Avocado.
    • Helps keep healthy blood flow
    • Good source of monounsaturated fats
  2. Blueberries (or ā€˜brainberries!).
    • Protects your brain from oxidative stress
    • Reduces the effect of brain-aging conditions
    • Rats who ate blueberries had improved overall learning capacity and motor skills and were mentally younger
  3. Broccoli.
    • A remarkable source of fiber
    • Rich in vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower
    • Rich in sulforaphane
  4. Coconut Oil.
    • Medium chain fatty acid, which ignites your bodyā€™s fat-burning furnaces to help create ketones which your brain loves as a fuel source
  5. Eggs.
    • Full of memory-improving choline, Omega-3s, and vitamin E
  6. Green Leafy Vegetables.
    • Spinach, kale, collard greens
    • Good sources of vitamin E and folate
  7. Salmon.
    • Wild deepwater fish rich in Omega-3s EPA and DHA which are fundamental in brain health and development
    • Sardines are also good.
    • Krill oil is also great for Omega-3 intake
  8. Turmeric.
    • Reduces inflammation and helps boost antioxidant levels
    • Keeps your immune system healthy
    • Improves brainā€™s oxygen intake to you alert and able to process information
    • Helps protect your brain from damage caused by sleep deprivation and stress
    • Combine turmeric, pepper (to absorb the turmeric better)
  9. Walnuts.
    • High levels of antioxidants and zinc
    • Rich in vitamin E, which protects your neurons
    • Wards off brain-aging conditions
    • Lots of magnesium, which improves your mood and thus your brain
  10. Dark Chocolate.
    • Improves your focus, concentration, and mood
    • Stimulates endorphins
    • Generally, the darker the chocolate, the purer and better for your brain


Here is an extra small list of HABBITS that are amazing for your brain health / development:

  1. Exercise and Weight Training
  2. Continued Learning and Development
  3. Sleep is heavily linked to brain health and memory consolidation
  4. Stress management
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation practice

I hope you enjoyed this basic overview of the subject. I plan to touch more on this soon as I strongly believe a healthy life begins with a healthy mind.

Stay Frosty,
Trainer Simon

P.S. Recently I made this post about how your nutrition affects your energy levels. I touch on brain fog and some other mechanisms… here is the post: