Do you suffer from: Back Pain, Neck Pain, Foggy Brain, Tight hips, Mushy abs or Sore Shoulders?
As modern humans in the technological age, we have more and more reasons to sit down. We don’t just sit down for meals and a chat at the campfire like we used to 400 years ago. Now we drive to work (sitting) and many of us have jobs that may require sitting for up to 8 hours a day. Some of us then drag our tired bodies home and sit on the couch for the rest of the day. You may already be in pain because of this lifestyle. Let me briefly explain how it happens.
Our muscles tighten when they sit in the same position for too long as our bodies will mold to the positions we hold regularly. Bad posture leads to your body naturally resting in bad posture (obvious right?). If we sit for many hours during the day, it wont take long before you are stiff as a board with tight hips and back/neck pain. Our natural moment patterns and exercises can be affected by these tight muscles! When we perform exercise, these areas of tightness can corrupt technique, decrease performance, and lead to serious injuries.
The diagram below goes over all of the main negative effects of sitting down and also gives some recommendations about how to reverse / minimise the damage.
Click image to expand:
I recommend you try to minimise the amount to sitting time during the day. The tightness it leaves in our body will find ways of effecting your lifestyle in the forms of discomfort, instability and poor technique when exercising. Take control of your health and vitality and minimise this negative habit. You will thank yourself later
Stay frosty!
Trainer Simon