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• Quick, Concise, Science Based Fat Loss

• Unique Transformation Dashboard

• Personalised Nutrition

• Multiple Training Programs

• Weekly Check-ins and Progress Tracking

• Body Composition Scans

• Continued Education with SPECIAL LESSONS

*SHREDin7 program has already started, however, if you wish to join and “go at your own pace” you can!


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SHREDin7 Member? Login Here:


7 Weeks Of Dedicated Fat Loss

There is also 1 SETUP week to prepare for the 7 weeks of fat loss!



“FLATTEN YOUR CURVES” with 7 weeks of nutrition, training and education!

Course Example
Dashboard SHREDin7

Learning - Education Within The Course

Hours of video lessons every step of the way. Special educational lessons included throughout the journey to help you understand what to do and HOW to achieve results.

Nutrition Report On the PHONE

Nutrition - Tailored To Your Requirements & Meal Building Software

SHREDin7 has peronalised nutrition which is tailored to your requirements and meals per day! Learn how to build a dietary plan that is suitable for you!

Mission Statement icon

Mindset - Goal Setting and Personal Mission Statement

Focusing on our goal gives us energy to perform at our best. Make an amazing transformation by setting a unique goal and mission statement to help you stay on track!

Dashboard 5

Tracking - Weekly Check-ins

Stay motivated and accountable with your very own progress tracker - built in to the SHREDin7 dashboard!
2 x Inbody scans for locals!


Training - Various Programs To Choose From

Not everyone can train 6 days a week. Everyone has different scheduals and fitness levels. SHREDin7 has multiple training programs for you to choose from.

SHREDin7 is switching to

Let's SHRED together!

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Proven Results

SHREDin7 is the next generation of transformation programs from Found My Physique – bigger, better, smarter and easier!

SHREDin7 Reviews

Here are a few reviews from people who have tested the SHREDin7 program prior to official launch.

71704889 10217084701043400 257017208134172672 n
This program is above and beyond what I have expected. Simon has really put a lot of work into making sure every question is answered. SHREDin7 really shows you all the most important steps in making an amazing transformation!

The nutrition plans and meal builder software really make its stand miles above the rest. I highly recommend trialling out the program!
Riley Byrne
56947171 10216171356989384 6432876590018854912 n
This was just the thing that I needed. Help, guidance, accountability with nutrition the right way. This program really stands out because of the specific tailoring to your own nutritional requirements in conjunction with your goals. Simon's instructional videos and week to week check in was super helpful and allows you to stay on track even and lets you complete the nutrition plan, and exercise on your own time. You really have to be organised in managing your own time so this is perfect for a lot of busy bodies out there that do not have a particular schedule because you work this into your ever-changing calendar, much like myself. So I really enjoyed that flexible aspect of not having to 'make a class' because the exercises are all laid out for you. Because of the momentum built, I've been able to rediscover love for training solo and focusing on taking my time with training and movement rather than it being rushed as you would in a class. Its been one of the most accurate programs I've done, and Simon has made it easier to do because of the online aspect where he has provided exactly what it is in measurements you should be consuming, and the exercises have references to go back to. Big thanks dude, by the end of it I was down 5.8kg and am super motivated to keep going!
Blessie Pica
82405306 10212282989948299 1367012756590428160 n
If i had to sum up SHREDin7; it really is like having someone hold your hand who teaches you what you should do, why you should do that and what you can except from it. The nutrition part has always been hard for me and I have tried to find and use some ”quick fixes” during the years and thus avoiding to look on it as a whole big picture. I honestly believe that SHREDin7 has given me the knowledge and confidence to finally be my own master in-regards to training and diet. It's great knowing that I am getting information from a guy who has over a decade of experience in the fitness industry as well as a degree in nutrition.
Matthew Kent

Why SHREDin7 is Different...

Beyond macros

With the success of Found My Physique nutrition plans, we have decided to included PERSONALISED Nutrition in the SHREDin7 program plus advanced meal building software to help you build a diet that you enjoy. Much more than simply macros - you will receive hours of content on nutrition in the form of SPECIAL LESSONS

Built to guide you through the process

Fitness and nutrition made easy. Many people fail a program because it is hard to understand. SHREDin7 is designed to be easy to follow and habit forming. The whole program is delivered with video lessons and detailed instructions to answer all common questions about training and nutrition.

Education - the key to long term results

Knowledge is power. It can be hard to commit to the process if you do not understand WHY you should do it. The SHREDin7 program is designed to teach you the most important lessons regarding nutrition, training, supplements, bio-hacking, motivation and overall health.

Science backed strategy

The SHREDin7 program has been developed by Simon who has had 12 years experience as a personal trainer and is a university level nutritionist. The methods used in SHREDin7 have been proven to get results and are backed by scientific principles.

What is included?

SHREDin7 includes everything you need to make an amazing transformation!


Total Value = $639 AUD 

Get started for one easy payment – $287 AUD

Available Worldwide   –   No Contracts   –   Any Experience Level   –  Choose your own meals / training program

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Lets have a chat about your goals

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Don't Miss Out!
Program Starts 1st March

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You can also express your interest via this form and we will get in touch

Dashboard Animated


Here is the FAQ. Have further questions?  If you cant find the answer here, feel free to contact us and we will get back to you right away!

Many transformation programs will give you a single nutrition plan and training program to follow. This results in many people failing to adhere to the program because the nutrition or training was not suitable to their lifestyle or food choices. 

After seeing thousands of transformations, it becomes obvious that there are MANY obstacles along. Obstacles such as lack of a strong goal, lack of nutrition skills, events, snacking, lack of options, plus more. 

SHREDin7 was designed to address all these issues by walking you through every step along the way and giving each participant options and skills to help them develop a transformation protocol unique to them.

This is done by informational videos, special video lessons, personalized nutrition, choices for meals per day, options for workouts and clear explanations of how things work. Optional ‘special lessons’ about nutrition, training, and recovery are embedded in the program for those wanting to learn more!

SHREDin7 is the real deal – a transformation program that is customized to the individual and educates them on science-backed principles and skills that deliver results! The program is designed to walk each person through the SHRED process and leave them with a large range of skills and knowledge that will be useful for the future.

The results will vary for each individual, however, people who adhere to Found My Physique weight loss/shred protocols usually lose between 4-11 kilos in 7 weeks

The SHREDin7 program is suitable for all levels of experience. There is a range of workout routines to choose from and also every step is explained in short, easily digestable videos and action steps to follow. 

This program was designed to take you from BEGINNER to ADVANCED – by teaching you all of the important components of making a transformation

SHREDin7 dashboard is accessible on mobile and desktop – which is available WORLDWIDE! A small number of the ingredients on the nutrition report will not be available in some countries, however, over 95% of the food ingredients will be available worldwide

The nutrition used in SHREDin7 is personalized to the individuals’ requirements – giving them an extensive range of food options to choose from. This allows individuals to CHOOSE foods they enjoy eating and exclude/restrict others. 

The nutrition plans are:

  • Based on your unique requirements
  • Highly customizable
  • Huge range of options
  • Vegan Friendly
  • Vegetarian Friendly
  • Special Dietary
  • Requirement Friendly

Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, our nutrition protocols are not suitable for people with specific health conditions as they may require very unique nutritional targets to be hit. 

We understand that accountability is important. You will have weekly check-ins and constant support from Simon and the FMP team! 

You will also be granted access to the SHREDin7 Facebook community to make friends and share your progress

Yes! The SHREDin7 program comes with workout options designed to help to build strength and retaining muscle during a weight loss – however, if you wish to use your own training/workout routine would be fine too

The SHREDin7 is designed to be used by anyone wanting to make a fat loss transformation. By design, we have not limited it by physical location. You will need to have a gym membership to do the SHREDin7 workouts. If you have your own workout routine you wish to do instead, you can continue with that (as the nutrition will produce the majority of the shredding results). 


If you wish to purchase an 8-week gym membership with SNAP fitness wollongong you can for an additional $99

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