Why Red Light Therapy?
Stimulate Hair Growth
- Stimulates stem cells in the hair follicle to encourage active growth
Improved Circulation
- Dilates blood vessels for increased flow
- Protects red blood cells and platelets
Reduced Inflammation
- Soothes sore muscles, joint pain, and arthritis
- Eases symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries
Reduced Pain
- Ease joint stiffness and soreness
- Diminishes inflammation
- Reduced muscle spasms and increases blood flow
- Can assist with reducing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
Post Surgery Healing
- The skin and wound healing benefits can be usefull for skin, tendon and soft tissue repair.
- Can reduce scarring and accellerate healing
Promote Cellular Health
- Stimulates collagen production
- Strengthens hair and improves skin elasticity
- Promotes connective tissue health
Improved Skin Health
- Generates production of collagen
- Increased tissue repair
- Reduction in appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars
Reduced Recovery Time
- Accelerates muscle repair
- Stimulates mitochondria and stem cells for faster healing