
Top 10 Foods for Brain Health

When we think of nutrition or dieting, we often think of weight loss and weight gain. This may be the strongest motivation for many to get involved in the subject, however, as you learn more about nutrition you realize that there is so much more to having an optimal diet than achieving the body shape you desire.  I love keeping my nutrition optimized so I can get the most out of my mind and body. I believe there is a big difference between the feeling/ energy/performance of a healthy brain which has been fed amazing nutrients for a sustained period of

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An Introduction to Bio-Hacking

A client came in to see me today and revealed a revelation she had while implementing a nutrition plan I had written for her. Her body composition scan revealed some amazing changes. In just four-and-a-half short weeks, she had achieved 3.5 kg of fat loss and a significant increase in muscle mass. The real "reward" for my client however, was the fact her energy, focus, concentration, and willpower had all improved. We began to discuss the fact that she was starting to notice some of the physiological changes you get from improving your nutrition and lifestyle. I explained to her that these changes happen

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The Art and Science of Kettlebell Training

Learn how to properly use this humble lump of iron and achieve a new level of strength and fitness. Guest Author: Alex Goik Chances are that if you train — or maybe even if you don’t — that you’ve come across an irregular shaped lump of iron being swung around by someone in the gym. The lump of iron is called a Kettlebell and in my eyes, it’s one of the most critically misunderstood and under-utilized pieces of equipment in the modern strength and conditioning toolkit now available to us. From the outside looking in Kettlebell training can appear cumbersome, awkward, and daunting to incorporate succesfully into a

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Are Carbs Bad? Do You Have Carbophobia? The Pro’s and Con’s of Low Carb Dieting

Is cutting carbs the key to losing weight? A detailed look at why is the ketogenic diet so popular. Is it the best diet, and is it sustainable for the long-term results?     Many of us have heard of the Low Carb diet or have a friend who avoids carbs like the biblical plague. This intense avoidance of carbs may have some positive and negative effects. I'll try and list some of the pro's and con's of low carb and you can decide if this dietary style is right for you   Pros:   Your glycogen stores reduce quickly and you

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Recover Faster, Grow Stronger: 10 Proven Recovery Techniques

Many people still believe “time off” is the best way for us to recover from a workout or let the body heal/recover. Time WILL help you recover, however putting actual effort into your recovery will dramatically improve the results. When we train we are causing minor tears in our muscle fibres, building up tension, creating acidity in our bodies, which all require time to repair. Fortunately these factors can also can be influenced by specific recovery techniques. Each one interacts with our physiology in a different way and utilising each can help you perform better than ever before. Recovery and

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9 Basic Rules Of Eating For Muscle Growth

Eating a balanced diet can be very complicated with a busy modern life. I often get asked what is the healthiest food to consume regularly. The answers I give are not always what people expect as; many foods can be considered healthy if you lack the nutrients they provide. Having an enjoyable eating plan that sustains your needs and helps you achieve your goals is the goal. It is also critical to your success in gaining muscle, strength, and athletic performance. You cannot out-train a bad diet. Here are some rules to follow to help you create your own eating

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Sitting! It’s bad for your health! Here is what we know

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Do you suffer from: Back Pain, Neck Pain, Foggy Brain, Tight hips, Mushy abs or Sore Shoulders?  As modern humans in the technological age, we have more and more reasons to sit down. We don't just sit down for meals and a chat at the campfire like we used to 400 years ago. Now we drive to work (sitting) and many of us have jobs that may require sitting for up to 8 hours a day. Some of us then drag our tired bodies home and sit on the couch for the rest of the day. You may already be in pain because of

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Intrigued by Fasting? Here’s the Latest Science on Four of the Primary Health Benefits

Guest Author: Alex GoikHere to share some words | Founder of Foreign Affairs Navigator | Writer | Fortnite extraordinaireI’ve personally been implementing and experimenting with fasting for close to a year now. Observing numerous benefits to both my body and cognition, I’ve since become a big proponent. I strongly believe that most people should be practicing fasting in some form or another—the evolutionary biological rationale for fasting coupled with the proven health benefits are just too compelling to ignore.Fasting is typically achieved by ingesting no or minimal amounts of food and caloric drinks for periods that typically range from 12 hours

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