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“Healthy isn’t a goal, it’s a way of living”


8 Week Intermittent Fasting Transformation: How I Got Ripped In 8 Weeks

Front Relaxed

My 8-Week Intermittent Fasting Body Recomposition

Hey guys!

My name is Simon and I run Found My Physique. I recently completed an 8-week transformation and I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how I did it, I thought I would write this post to explain the process in depth.

I thought I would explain the process. This transformation was not only for me to get back into shape after a big holiday – but also I wanted to regain my confidence and show my clients how fast it can be done.

Thanks to my training buddies for keeping the journey entertaining Sohrab, Stephen, Benny, Aaren, and Brooke!

It really makes me happy to see the difference in my facial expressions over the course of the transformation. I look happier and healthier (and maybe a little cocky). This is common if you look at the transformations of some of my clients.

So, How Did I Do It?


Body Recomposition.

I wanted to lose the body fat from Christmas period and amazing holiday in Japan. I also wanted to get back my strength and lean muscle mass I felt I had lost. YES, you can lose body fat and gain muscle mass AT THE SAME TIME. you can learn more about different body compositions and body fats levels here.

Training Protocol 

Strength & Resistance Training Program – 6 days a week for one hour each session. I hit each muscle group 2x per week and was sure to incorporate progressive overload. I generally don’t train to fatigue other than the week before deload week (more about this later). The research shows training to fatigue isn’t overly beneficial, but rather training 2-3 reps from fatigue should deliver ample results.


At least 80% of the results come from your nutrition. I followed the protocols I have developed and recorded in the Fast and Feast Shredding Program – This involves Intermittent Fasting and Flexible Nutrition calculated to my requirements. My nutrition was calculated for my goal, activity factors & lean body mass. I’m fortunate as I have spent 3 years of university studying nutrition sciences and 2 years of reading countless nutrition book. If your nutritionist or trainer isnt in shape, fire them and hire me! Read more on the 4 main benefits of Intermittent Fasting.

Did I track my food?

No every day but a little at the start, but I did calculate my meals in advance and get good at building a range of nutritious meals regularly. I have found this method to be adequately successful for me and my clients. Tracking is useful in some circumstances but it generally isn’t necessary unless you competing, struggling to get results, hitting a plateau, or completely clueless about your actual nutritional intake.

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Tracking Body Composition

Other than taking the photos you have already seen, I also used theĀ InBody 570 Body Composition ScannerĀ almost every week to track my results over the 8 week period! See the results tracking print-out below.

InBody Scan Results:

Week 1 – Week 8

WeightĀ (kg)

73.7kg – 74.3 kg

Body FatĀ (%)

13.9 % – 7.2 %

Skeletal Muscle MassĀ (SMM)Ā (kg)

36.6 kg – 40.2 kg

DatesĀ are listed below each scanĀ 

23.01.18 – 19.03.18

My thumb shows the START of the 8 week transformation on the InBody body composition history:

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“what gets measured, gets managed” – unknown

Sounds Simple, What Else Was Involved?

Smart Progressive Overload and D-Load Weeks

I spent weeks 1-3 building back my strength, technique, and fitness followed by my recovery week (week 4). Then, I increased all my weights up to near my previous-maximum-lifts and forced myself to stay at that level until it felt normal again. I had two weeks with lighter weights and intensity (weeks 4 and 8). Adopting a schedule similar will allow your body to grow and adapt to the recent increases in exercise volume and intensity. The D-load weeks should end with you will feeling full, fresh and strong. Check out my Deloading 101 Article

Re-feed DaysĀ 

Every 6 or 7 days – These days I would have a bunch more carb foods to reload the body with energy.

A Few Nights Out Drinking

4 nights in the 8 weeks- let’s be real, no transformation is worth doing if you hate the process – it is vital to go out and have fun and not obsess over the result. Learning to control your alcohol/carb intake is essential, as well as making sure you don’t end up at MacDonalds or the Kebab shop. These are both skills you can learn.

Cheat Meals

8-10 meals in 8 weeks – but within reason – it’s okay to have some junk in the diet but controlling the portion size and adjusting the rest of the day. These too, are skills you can learn and apply.


6 sessions in 8 weeks – It is crucial to release the tension you have built up from progressive training. Tightness leads to injury and poor form – if you are doing 1-2 yoga sessions a week it will dramatically improve your muscle fatigue, leading to less pain and discomfort.

Bush Walks

5 treks in 8 weeks – I try to use my body in as many ways as possible and seeing some nature is good for the soul. We all sit down too much! Get out and do some different MOVEMENTS other than standing, sitting, texting and training (yoga is also useful for this)!

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

1-2 session per week for 20 min- This is important for cardiovascular health and helping your body burn extra body fat! Too much HIIT can add more stress to the system, and you will not be able to perform at peak with your resistance & strength training. The right amount is critical! I did not perform any cardio other than this.


Omega-3, WPC Protein Powder, Pre-workout (Jet-fuse) & Vitamin-D

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A note on my overall experience of the 8 weeks

It may sound crazy, but I did not find this transformation to be too difficult.

Like I mentioned previously, I still went out and had a great time and also enjoyed cheat meals and refeed days along the way. It’s really not fun if you are too strict with yourself.

I like eating healthy, and I love training regularly. Intermittent Fasting allows me to eat like a king and I spend less time preparing, cooking and eating. I love it!

Something surprising did happen though: I was not expecting to gain so much muscle back so quickly. Although, I have been stronger and bigger (last year) than I am currently. I expect that this is a lot due to Muscle Memory and the fact I was ticking all the boxes with my nutrition and progressive training.


Tips for those trying to make a transformation

There is a right and wrong way to do things. Here is a quick little list of what you SHOULD do!

  1. SET a goal! – True change comes from within, you have to WANT it!
  2. Nutrition – Be sure to set up your nutrition ACCURATELY from the start or you may be wasting your time… Don’t waste your time with fad diets – make sure you have a good high-quality nutrition plan which you can stick to for a long enough time period to see results and maintain them. If you need help look at the personalised nutrition plans
  3. Lock-In your routine –Ā  There is a reason the military teaches all of its soldiers to wake up early, train regularly and get shit done. You need to form a solid routine and stick to it. Eat well consistently (at least 80-90% of the time to get good results)
  4. Make sure you are training properly – Stop wasting your time with group classes and pointless exercises. Lift weights, lift heavy and mainly focus on the big 6 (squat, deadlift, chin-ups, bench press, bent-over rows and overhead press) and make sure you are progressing (more weight and more volume)
  5. Resilience and Perseverance – Far too many people quit when they hit a little obstacle or do not sustain it long enough to see dramatic changes.
  6. Recovery, Mobility, Sauna, Cold Shower, Sleep – There is plenty you can optimize your health and body composition changes. Be sure to utilize all of the appropriate tools to give your body the recovery power it needs to keep your transformation going!
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I really like this study done on various weight loss methods. The study reviewed 80 other studies with a total of 26,455 patients. It highlights how diet is a powerful part of making an amazing transformation happen. Diet alone was found to be more powerful than exercise alone, but when diet and exercise are combined, amazing results happen!Ā 

This is why I focus on helping people with their nutrition; because it has the biggest impact!

If you want help with your nutrition and would like to make a transformation like mine have a look at the personalised eating plans.Ā 

If you enjoyed this post or found it useful, share it with a friend!

Stay Frosty,
Owner of Found My Physique

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Personalised Eating Plans

Body Fat Percentage Photos For Men And Women


Are you wondering what your body fat percentage is?

We have put tether a guide so you can understand body composition and what it is made up of. First, it is important to know that your body composition is made up of a FEW factors


  • Body Fat Mass
  • Muscle Mass
  • Other Mass – bones, organs etc
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Having a various amounts of each changes the way your body composition looks. When your body fat is low you usually have moreĀ definitionĀ (as you can see the amount of muscle mass benief the body fat).


There areĀ 4 main typesĀ of body composition, each having varying amounts of muscle mass, body fat mass and definition


Overweight body composition is very common in certain countries. Any one of us can become overweight – it just requires a calorie surplus for an long time period!


Usual Characteristics:

  • Muscle massĀ – Moderate to high
  • Fat massĀ – High
  • DefinitionĀ – None as there is too much body fat
  • Ā 

Usual Goal: Weight loss (More specifically, fat loss)

3 Overweight


Underweight individuals are usuallyĀ NOT EATING ENOUGH, either on purpose or accidently. They often report low energy, health issues, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and low amounts of strength.


Usual Characteristics:

  • Muscle massĀ – Low
  • Fat massĀ – Low
  • DefinitionĀ – Moderate

Usual Goal: Weight Gain (specifically muscle) in the form of a clean bulk

2 Underweight


Average body composition is a good goal for many who suffer from being overweight or underweight. Keeping a good body composition is important for your energy levels, confidence, immune system and long term health.


Usual Characteristics:

    • Muscle massĀ – Moderate
    • Fat massĀ – Moderate
    • DefinitionĀ – Moderate

Usual Goal: Maintain, Muscle Gain or Body Recomposition

4 Average


Muscular physique is the goal for many athletes or body builders. Some genetically lucky individuals find it easier to achieve this physique, but it isĀ attainable for all! Most people blame “genetics” for not being able to achieve this physique. Unless you had aĀ serious attemptĀ at training and good nutrition for atleast 1 year, you actually have no idea if your genetics are good or bad.


Usual Characteristics:

    • Muscle mass – High
    • Fat mass – Low
    • Definition – High
    • Ā 

Usual Goal: Sports performace or maintaining/increasing muscle mass

1 Fit

Body Fat Percentage Photos

Here are examples of different body fat percentages but it is important to keep in mind that the muscle mass in each individual also varys


Male Lean

2-4%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 5-7%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 8-10%

Male Average

11-12%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 13-15%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  16-19%

Male Overweight
20-24%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 25-30%Ā  Ā  Ā  30-35%


Female Lean e1581653152823

9-12%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 13-17%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  20-22%

Female Average e1581653208945

22-26%Ā  Ā  Ā 27-33%Ā  Ā  Ā  33-38%

39-42%Ā  Ā  Ā  43-48%Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 48%+

Female Overweight e1581653237753

Find Out Your Body Composition

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The InBody 570 Body Composition Scanner is available for those wanting to assess the body composition. Learn about your:

  • Muscle Mass (kg)
  • Body Fat (kg and %)
  • Visceral Fat
  • Bone Minerals
  • Muscle Balance
  • Fat Distribution
  • Plus more

Ā How long does it take to gain muscle mass?


Males can gain up to 5kg of muscle in the first year of training! Females around 2-3kg.


Muscle gain usually drops to around 1-2kg for each following year. A professional body builder or athlete may only gain 0.5-1kg of muscle in a year.


The most important factors in gaining muscle mass:

  • Training ProgramĀ – follow a training program proven to get the results you are after

  • Progressive OverloadĀ – continuously increase total lifting volume and weight

  • Proper NutritionĀ – 80% of the results come from your nutrition! When you are eating the right foods in the right amounts, your body has all the fuel it needs to build muscle!Ā 


Learn More


How long does it take to lose body fat?



A healthy amount of body fat loss is arround 0.5 -1kg (1.1 – 2.2 pounds) of body fat per week!



The most important factors that impact body fat loss:


  • Calorie DefecitĀ – You need to eat less than you burn
  • Good Food ChoicesĀ – Eating the right foods gives you better energy, satiety (feeling full) and adequate vitamins and minerals
  • A Good Dietary MethodĀ that is sustainable – there is no point doing a diet for 4 weeks then going back to “default”. You need to find yourself a structure that is sustainable!


Use The “Think and Grow Rich” Method To Set An Amazing Physique Goal (FREE WORKSHEET)

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Our modern day lives are so busy with the constant bombardment of notifications, emails, deadlines, work schedules and life events. It is so easy to lose track of our health goals or just ā€˜put them on the back burnerā€™ until everything calms down. I see it over and over. 

Clients come back to the gym to train and they have had a month off and when I ask why the answer is often the same; Iā€™ve been busy, work has overloaded me, etc. Another example is the ā€˜happy travelerā€™ who goes overseas and gains 6kg in 3 weeks, good work, now you have to work it off again.


Everyone experiences this ā€˜phaseā€™ of lack of focus, or should I say,Ā an inability to prioritize your physique goal. It happened to me recently when I was moving houses and changing my eating to Intermittent Fasting; I lost focus of my goal and put it on the backburner and lost a few kilos but corrected myself once I realized it was happening.

Transforming your physique is not an easy task, or else everyone would be in ideal shape.

After spending years helping others make transformations I have noticed the individuals who getĀ the BEST results are always the ones who execute the best self-discipline and having a clearlyĀ defined goal.

Why do you NEED to be CLEAR about your physique goal?

When you clearly picture your goal it is easier to make everyday choices. For example; when you are out for lunch and your friends take you to a ThaiĀ restaurant, and while you sit there thinking about what to order you remember your clearly defined goal.Ā 

Reason 1:

It is easier to execute will-power on your food choice when you know why you are doing itĀ (and the reason has to be worth executing the willpower). If you hardly remember your goal or it is not clearly defined with value to you, willpower will be limited.

That voice in the back of your head is why it is so important to set yourself a CLEARLY painted picture of what your physique goal is. Your job is give that voice strength by visualizing your goal and reminding yourself of why it is important

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Reason 2:

Your brain is hardwired to “reward” you with good feelings when you move TOWARDS objectives and goals you see as valuable.Ā Without a clearly set goal, you will not feel these positive emotions.Ā 

These positive emotions actually help us form good habits by repeating actions that move us towards our goals.

Reason 3:

Time waits for no man/woman. The clock is ticking, and to get the ball rolling you need to START. You wont get there by accident… but if you aim for the starts, you may just land on the moon!

Transformation is not a future event, it is a present day activity

How can I set myself a clear goal?

I started my journey using SMART goals for myself and my clients ā€“ Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Specific. This is a good method but it is also a good idea to have a clear mental picture of your goal physique and know how to get there! 

However, in the last couple of years, after reading “think and grow rich“, I have begun using a NEW more powerful method of goal setting which involves a 6 step process.

This method is far superior to using a SMART goal, but they do share some similarities. 

Why is the "think and grow rich" method superior?

You may need to read the book (which I highly recommend) to fully understand the value of the method. Simply put – it works!

Here is an example of what you can accomplish in just 6 months time if you stay focused on your goal:

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Ready to set a goal?

The Think and Grow Rich Goal Setting WORKSHEET

I always have loved worksheets… so I turned the method into a short but simple worksheet that you can download below

This is GOLD!Ā I hope you see the value of using such a powerful method to accomplishing your goals.Ā 

There is a reason why that book is one of the most successful success books ever written (potentially #1)Ā 


Download the 'think and grow rich' 6 step worksheet

This method helps you stay clear on the objective, what you need to do to get there. It also helps to print off the final page and reflect on it often!

Keep the goal in the back of your mind, dream big, and GRIND hard.

Stay Frosty,

Trainer Simon

5 Foods That Help You Have a Healthy Life

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Health is a major concern in todayā€™s fast-moving world. We are all consuming fast food in order to keep pace with our life. The more we are consuming fast foods, the unhealthier we grow.Ā 

The burgers and pizzas that you like the most do the most harm to your body. Not only the body but your oral health also suffers. So, if you want to be healthy you need to change your choice of food.Ā  We have mentioned some of the things in this article that you can make a part of your daily routine. Read this article to the end to find out what they are.


If you had been a kid in the late 20th century or early 21st century, then you might have come across the cartoon show Popeye the sailor man. The lead character, Popeye, was a muscular middle-aged man. Whenever he used to find the foes attacking him he used to take out a can of spinach and gulp it down. In this way, he used to gain energy to fight back the enemies. Well, this cartoon had a significance which taught many children of that time to love spinach. Actually, it is good to consume spinach as it contains two immune-boosting antioxidants, zeaxan thin and lutein. They are good for the eye. Researchers have also found out that spinach is an effective vegetable that helps to fight cancer.


Another healthy veggie is broccoli. If you consume it, your daily requirement of vitamin K will be fulfilled. It also contains Vitamin C. Your bones will grow strong with broccoli. This one is another vegetable which helps to keep off cancer germs and it also reduces cholesterol and allergic reactions.

Sprouts & Beans

Do you even know how healthy are sprouts and beans? The darker the beans are the antioxidant content is more. Consuming a serving of legumes, that is, peas, beans, and lentils four times in a week reduces the risk of heart diseases by 22 percent. In women, it reduces the chances of breast cancer.

On the other hand, sprouts are helpful to improve the digestive system, metabolic process. It prevents anemia lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Moreover, increases your usable energy reserves. Make sprout eating a breakfast habit.


Walnut is the prime source of omega-3 fatty acids. If your cholesterol levels are high then consuming walnuts can help to reduce it. It also helps to fight cancer. It regulates your sleep because of the presence of melatonin in it. Your mood will be better and the surprising factor is that your body will start fighting against sun damages.


So far you might not have loved the things we have mentioned fit for consumption. But we are sure that you will love this one. These are ā€œchocolatesā€ but they can easily be loaded with stacks of unwanted sugar or fats. Chocolates, mainly dark chocolate, are high in cocoa powder, which is rich in antioxidants, minerals & flavonoids. They increase the good cholesterol level in blood and reduce the bad cholesterol. A daily piece of dark chocolate high in the cocoa can works wonders.

So, start eating healthy food as soon as possible to see a better self. If you start eating healthy and preparing meals saves you a lot of money compared to eating out regularly, not to mention all the health effects you get from eating real, natural foods!

Stay Frosty,

Trainer Simon