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Company Mission:

At Found My Physique, we strive to empower individuals to optimize their nutrition for improved health and body composition through a Science Based Approach with the end goal being Habit Formation.


As university level Nutritionists we understand that optimizing nutrition is essential for individual health and body composition. Poor nutrition can lead to nutrient deficiencies, impair immune function, hinder cognitive development, and increase the risk of chronic diseases. In contrast, a well-balanced diet can help maintain a healthy weight, improve body composition, and prevent chronic diseases.


The goal is not only effective results but also sustainable routines. We strive to keep helping individuals create long-term healthy habits that lead to lasting body composition changes. This is knowledge and habits that anyone can learn, and with that knowledge comes skills that are usefull for a lifetime.

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Why Transform:

After completing several transformations myself (Simon), I realised that so many other aspects of life improve other than body composition. 

‘Health is Wealth’ 

Making a transformation can lead to numerous benefits for individuals, including improved physical fitness, increased energy levels, better mental health, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. 

‘You cannot expect to feel a million bucks, if you eat from the dollar menu’

By adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management, individuals can improve their overall well-being and become the best version of yourself.

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The 80:20 Principle

We believe in the 80:20 principle. The 80:20 principle emphasizes balance and moderation in nutrition, with nutrient-dense whole foods making up 80% of the diet and indulgent or less healthy foods making up the remaining 20%. This approach is beneficial because it allows individuals to enjoy a wide variety of foods while still maintaining a healthy diet, prevents feelings of deprivation or restriction, and promotes a sustainable approach to nutrition for achieving and maintaining optimal health outcomes. 


‘You are what you eat’


At least 80% of your nutrition should come from wholefoods.


How do we do it?

Nutrition science is not rocket science. It may be complicated, but we have spent over 10 years studying the body recomp process and staying up to date with the science of nutrition and body composition change. 



Our method is unique but applies much of the fundamentals of Nutrition Sciences, plus the usefull parts of Body Building & Transformation science. Our approach is to bring these science based methods to the general population and all those wanting to transform their physique through nutrition. 


Our method is constantly evolving, but so far (as of early 2023) has resulted in over 5000kg of weight loss.


Why not try it out? 

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Hi, I'm Simon,
your Nutritionist!

My backstory is long and complex (see below) but for many years I was obsessed with optimising my body composition. I spent many years of education, read hundreds of books and now I enjoy teaching anyone who wishes to learn.


Body composition change doesnt need to be confusing or difficult. It’s just about forming a good routine/habits that are accurate to your goal and deliver results.


Everyone deserves to feel amazing and healthy within their body. 


My favorite quote is from Socrates “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”


Hi, I'm Gemma,
your Nutritionist!

I’ve always been in love with health and fitness for basically all of my life but found a significant passion for helping others with their fitness journey.


I discovered many people have a similar dream of getting fit and feeling at the top of their game everyday, but not everyone knows how. I enjoy coaching them and showing them the way.


I studied Personal Training, then Nutrition Science at uni. Im 24 now, and a new mum so as you could imagine, good nutrition is critical to make up for lost sleep at night!


Found My Physique has been a pillar in my own fitness journey as it has helped me make more progress and feel more confident during all stages of my life.

FMP Backstory (How it started)

Everyone has a story, here is mine (Simon). I thought I would paint a clear picture of who I am and what I have done to get here! Ill try to include some of the major highlights and failures along the way. Thanks for visiting the page!

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Some random points I’d like to make before starting:

  • I’ve never used any steroids or performance enhancing drugs
  • I never expected to be making this post so my pictures are mainly horrible selfies from various moments on the journey 
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Starting Age: 17-18

My journey started when I was 17 years old and weighed only 44 kilograms but I had a driving passion for fitness and self-improvement. I wanted to get strong and athletic!

So many people now days say to me “you must have good genetics”… I take it as a compliment and then show them where I started from. I was malnourished and underweight. Not because I wasn’t fed enough, but because I wanted to be lean but had no idea what I was doing! 


I always trained hard but saw minimal results – I thought “I am a hard gainer” and honestly it took me years before I started getting results. I blame this to my lack of education in proper training and nutrition.

I decided I did not want to sit in an office and pursue my career in design so I enrolled in a personal trainer course and completed my terms. I always was a strong believer that if you could do what you enjoy then it will never feel like work. I was curious to how it all worked.


Starting Stats: 176cm, 44kg weight, 30kg bench, 40kg squat


The Personal Training Days: 20-24

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After graduating as a PT I started to map out the landscape. There were a lot of people making a lot of noise in the fitness industry, but few actually seem like they knew how to get results!


This is a huge problem in the fitness industry. Many people know how to use performance enhancers or follow a strict template, but few know the theory and reasoning behind it all. I too spent far too much time being lost in the rut trying to find out the right way to do things! Good information is hard to come by. It such a shame that so many get stuck in this rut, f*ing around and getting minimal results.


I spent my free time learning about training through books and podcasts and having the occasion conversations with “gym bros” leaving me sceptical and confused.


Why follow the middle man when you can follow the guru? I started to make sure to educate myself on all of the best in the business for training, taking notes from the greats such as Arnold, Frank Zane, Charles Polequin and Layne Norton. 

My clients got good results, but not many spectacular body composition changes. I had some basic template diets they could follow but had very little nutritional education. It was just a matter of time before this frustration grew and I snapped.




I had to crack the code!

My First Strict Diet Plan: 23

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Boom, finally a physique that was worth the effort! 

I stuck to a strict plan and got amazing results! It felt great, finally having the body I had been aiming for. Although the victory was sweet, I found it hard to sustain as I didn’t want to track everything I ate and I wanted to know how to adjust, modify or improve my diet as I progressed.


If you look around, you’ll see the majority of fit people are only in shape for a short period of time and spend months working to get into that shape. I wanted to be in great shape all year round!


I realised – if 80% of the results come from your nutrition, I should be spending 80% of my time studying nutrition, not training. 


I decided I wanted to know EVERYTHING I could about nutrition and what better place to learn than at university. I enrolled at the University of Wollongong. This was before you could do 10 week nutrition courses online, not that anyone should trust a professional with an education like that, you may as well join Isagenix or another pyramid scheme (trust me, in my position, I have been approached by them all).


University Days: 24-27

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Yeah, science! 


I spent my time in lab coats, digging into physiology books, researching nutrition topics and, of-course, lots of partying and girls. 


I spent 3 years studying the science of metabolism, nutrients and biology and how nutrition impacts our health and vitality. 

There was not enough free time to focus on strict dieting, or training, especially when exam period comes around. But during this time I learnt ways to simplify dieting and achieve easy maintenance results.


If I knew then what I know now about dieting, I would have been well equiped to achieve amazing results throughout uni. 

Graduating Uni - F45 Training

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Back on the gain train! 


It was time to apply what I had learnt and get experience.


I decided this new fitness trend was something I would like to be a part of. F-45 was high energy, functional and a fun environment to earn a wage while finishing my Degree. A win, win, win.


I was blessed with new friends, colleagues and an opportunity to coach people on their nutrition. After being asked hundreds of questions about how to get in shape and stay lean year round, I decided I wanted to try and make this my side hustle. I spent my spare time reading about nutrition, intermittent fasting, sustainable methods of dieting and eventually condensing and simplifying that information for my clients.



Found My Physique was born in 2016 and my first dietary program was released shortly after with great success!


Found My Physique Was Created

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Years of education plus trial and error has lead me to learn what works and discard what doesn’t. I have tried dozens of different diet plans and learnt what has the highest rates of success. I have researched and debunked common myths such as “you need to eat 5 meals a day to stoke your metabolic fire”. I have spent the last 4.5 years practising intermittent fasting and I’m loving the results of the dietary protocols I have formed.


I have finally found my physique, now it’s time to help you find yours!


My transformation photo has inspired many to realise – it doesn’t matter where you start, you will get there if you work hard on achieving your goal!


Anyone can get into great shape by following a strict macro based diet plan. I want to stay in great shape year round and have plenty of options for delicious foods to eat. Everyone believes that getting in great shape means you have to compete in body building contests… I disagree, I think you should be able to get in great shape to feel healthy, have greater confidence and the body of your dreams.


I just want to help people shorten the learning curve of this journey, so it doesn’t take you 10 years like it took me – by teaching you what needs to be done to achieve amazing results with their nutrition and training.


I’ve realised that there are 4 major components that people need to master in order for them to make a great transformation:


  • Knowledge – You must learn the basics of nutrition and how body composition changes work, what foods to eat and how much
  • Structure – You must have a format that fits your scheduled with options that meet your taste preferences. 
  • Consistency – You must know how to adjust your food choices, modify and create meals and correct course when you fall off the plan
  • Simplicity – No plan is worth following if it is not sustainable – I calculate the requirements for each of my clients so there is no guesswork. I teach people habits that are useful for long term adherence.


Now, I work as a nutrition consultant at Found My Physique – helping clients through diet plans, consults and coaching. I also train clients 1 on 1 who are wanting to learn more about training as well as improving their nutrition.


We also help various gyms and personal trainers around the Illawarra and around Australia with their nutrition and body composition scanning. 


Current Stats: 176cm, 76kg, ~7% body fat, 135kg bench, 160kg squat, 180kg deadlift

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Are you ready to find your physique?