An Introduction to Bio-Hacking

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A client came in to see me today and revealed a revelation she had while implementing a nutrition plan I had written for her. Her body composition scan revealed some amazing changes. In just four-and-a-half short weeks, she had achieved 3.5 kg of fat loss and a significant increase in muscle mass. The real “reward” for my client however, was the fact her energy, focus, concentration, and willpower had all improved.

We began to discuss the fact that she was starting to notice some of the physiological changes you get from improving your nutrition and lifestyle. I explained to her that these changes happen to many people that undertake a dietary regime, especially those who make radical changes to their lifestyle and implement health boosting habits such as Intermittent Fasting. Ultimately these practices move their overall HEALTH from a low level to a higher level. Better yet, there is a level higher than “healthy”. After you make such changes, you can start striving for optimization.

There is always a level above AND below the level you are currently on. 

Your physiology is a lot more adaptable than you think. Your nutrition and exercise and sleep are the basics. A solid foundation to build a house upon. Once built you can work on your ā€œoptimalā€ physiology, however, many people do not realize this exists because they have never experienced it. Bio-hacking helps you realize that there is endless room to improve. It opens many people up to exploring the different avenues of health and fitness available to them.


It sounds like some kind of futuristic Sci-Fi movie. The term has been floating around for the last couple decades but has recently been gaining more traction.

What is Bio-Hacking?

Do you exercise for energy or to improve your body composition? If you do, you are a biohacker. You are applying the stimulus of exercise to create a series of responses in your body – input (exercise) -> output (feel good, get energy, build muscle)

Do you have a wind-down routine and a regular sleep time? You are a biohacker. Input (wind down, sleep time) -> output (easier to fall asleep, wake up more refreshed)

Do you like to have a coffee to give you energy? You are a bio-hacker. Input (caffeine) -> output (energy / focus)

Bio-Hacking is really just fancy terminology for optimizing your nutrition and routines. If your body is a system, it has inputs(food, exercise, nutrients etc.) and outputs (energy, mood, concentration, body composition changes etc.). 

Biohackers believe making constant tweaks to those inputs (like really fine-tuning them) can lead to immediate, measurable changes in the outputs. And they generally donā€™t wait around for a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of a new therapy or approach.

Dave Asprey, for example, is regularly quoted for improving his IQ by more than 30 points through enhancement of these systems. 

We all learn routines from realizing something is producing the result we desired. Some of us may come home from a long day at work and want to relax, we may switch on the TV, others go for a run, others go to the gym, or some may play a computer game. This is a routine you have learned to get a response from your physiology. Input (Couch/TV) -> Output (Relax/Unwind)

The field of bio hacking expands on all types of routines to try and find “optimal” and it is a lot more broad that you may first imagine.

If we want better outputsā€”to have more energy and focus, to be free of disease, to have a better memory, to perform optimally in business and athleticsā€”then letā€™s tweak the things we put into our body and mind to stack the deck in our favour. – Dave Asprey

What can I bio hack?

  • Energy levels – yes
  • Body Composition – yes
  • Memory – yes
  • Attention – yes
  • Body Functionality – yes
  • Prevent Disease – yes
  • Decrease Brain Fog – yes
  • Longevity (living longer) – yes
  • Decrease Inflammation – yes
  • Sleep Quality – yes

You can even get your genetic code analysed (which only costs around $100). With that information, you can identify and prevent your genetic faults such as the increased risk of diseases. Your DNA information can also be used to optimize your body composition results by doing an analysis of the way your body responds to nutrients and training. For example, some people may have genetically slower tendon repair, therefore, to prevent injuries they would need to extend their warmup times and supplement nutrients such as collagen, gelatin, vitamin C and increased anti-inflammatory foods.  Many professional athletes are beginning to use such methods to get ahead of their competitors.

You can do this one through and then running your DNA text document through a range of online screening tools (I will list some links below). Some people wouldn’t want to know what could potentially end their life. Ignorance is bliss, but in my mind, the stress of applying a few lifestyle changes now will prevent a lot of stress later down the track. Prevention is the best cure.

If youā€™re someone who loves data and have an independent streak when it comes to taking charge of your health, incorporating elements of biohacking into your healthy lifestyle can totally work. Iā€™m all about trying new things, and if something doesnā€™t have negative effects, why not try it and see how you feel?

Try a new diet plan, try an intermittent fasting routine, try a series of brain-boosting supplements, get a prescription for modafinol, start taking cold showers, or even learn what your DNA has in store for you.

You may think your mental or physical performance is good or optimalā€¦ but you may not know there is a level above the one you are currently on, because you have no reference point other than what you know.  

“If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them” – Jim Kwik

As with my client who tried the new diet, quit sugar and alcohol for a month, many often make a note on their mental clarity and energy level improvements. They are achieving a higher level of health, vitality and even brain-boosting ‘superpowers’ that they previously didnā€™t know existed.  

Image result for take the blue pill

Take the blue pill, and remain in wonderland, or take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

With biohacking, you may just find a level above the one you are currently on. You can go deep down the rabbit hole with this, and in my mind, if it is for the purpose of personal development, improving your quality of life or preventing diseases, then full steam ahead!  

Stay frosty,
Trainer Simon

Bunch of useful links to get you started:

You can read more about bio-hacking at:
Brain & Memory Hacking: Jim Qwik –
Bulletproof Podcast:
Ben Greenfield Podcast:
Introduction to nootropics:
Get genetic testing:
Put your DNA through this software to find out genetic flaws:
List of sites to input your DNA information:
Dr Amun Ra Longevity Diet Protocol (very deep down the rabbit hole):