
Join Now

Countless people have changed their lives with Found My Physique so what are you waiting for? You will never regret being healthier, happier, and fitter.

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Our Guarantee Makes Joining Easy

“I’m truly confident in what we do. That’s why you’re protected with my 100% risk-free, 30-day money-back guarantee. As long as you follow the program, you will see results. If you dont see results, we will refund your money. The only way to lose is if you don’t join. If you’re ready to make real progress and feel better than ever, let’s get started today!”



Simon Jager, Owner and Founder of Found My Physique

Lets get started:

Get Started In Person


Weekly Direct Debt
Pay as you go - 8 weeks minimum
$ 35 per week
  • Personalised Nutrition + Coaching
  • Transformation Dashboard
  • Access to Premium Nutrition Software
  • Build, Save, Load & Delete Meals
  • Nutrition Based Special Lessons
  • Weight Tracker
  • Adherence Tracker
  • Bi-Weekly Online Check-ins
  • Nutrtion Adjustments

Sign Up Online


Weekly Direct Debt
Pay as you go - 8 weeks minimum
$ 35 per week
  • Personalised Nutrition + Coaching
  • Transformation Dashboard
  • Access to Premium Nutrition Software
  • Build, Save, Load & Delete Meals
  • Nutrition Based Special Lessons
  • Weight Tracker
  • Adherence Tracker
  • Bi-Weekly Online Check-ins
  • Nutrtion Adjustments

3 Months Pre-Paid

3 Months Pre-Paid

12 Week Transformation Package
$397 upfront payment or AFTERPAY
$ 33 per week equivalent
  • Personalised Nutrition + Coaching
  • Transformation Dashboard
  • Access to Premium Nutrition Software
  • Build, Save, Load & Delete Meals
  • Nutrition Based Special Lessons
  • Weight Tracker
  • Adherence Tracker
  • Bi-Weekly Online Check-ins
  • Nutrtion Adjustments
  • 4x Body Scan (start, wk 4, wk 8, wk 12)

Join Now

What is holding you back?

Gluten Free?
Dairy Free?

Don’t worry, we have you covered! 

With the Meal Builder software you will be able to build your own meals, or edit any ingredient of the existing meals. As such, you will have no dramas finding suitable delicious meals to make. 

I totally understand why you might be feeling skeptical. It’s natural to have some doubts, especially if you’ve had a bad experience with other companies in the past.


But here’s the thing: We’re not like all the other companies out there!


Since 2017, we’ve been offering daily personal accountability and expert nutrition coaching to help people achieve their goals. And we have tons of success stories and thousands of satisfied customers to show for it.


Now, I know a lot of people and programs promise instant results, but let’s be real: those don’t really exist. That’s why we don’t promise instant results; we promise sustainable results! We help you change your relationship with food and exercise so that you can have long-term success.

And don’t forget:


You can always set up a free call with me to ask any questions you have. I’m happy to chat and show you how daily 1:1 coaching and accountability can make all the difference for you.

Sure, its cheaper to just download a eating plan template from google, but there is real value from learning from those who have already mastered the topic you are trying to learn. 

Your health is an investment. Junk food is always going to be cheaper than high quality nourishing food. The nutritionists here at Found My Physique have all done their own transformations, and understand the complexities of nutrition and transformations.


With 24/7 support and an entire course to help improve your knowledge, you’ll progress faster towards becoming a master of your nutrition. The knowledge you learn will be usefull for keeping yourself healthy and making future transformations.

I know you want to reach your health and fitness goals, and that’s awesome!


The truth is that you can definitely reach your goal on your own, but… the hard part is staying consistent. I mean, if it were easy, we’d all be at our dream weight and fitness level, right?


It’s easy to think about the things we want to change, like losing weight or eating better, but it’s hard to actually make those changes happen.


It’s also very hard to plan out a perfect nutrition structure that is gaurenteed results.


When we find a program that we can actually follow, those wishes can some true easily. Sometimes that missing piece of the puzzle is a template / structure that is already planned out all that is needed is action.


 Found My Physique nutrition protocols have resulted in over 5000kg of weight loss so far! 

Since starting the nutrition plan with Simon and tracking my result, I am feeling and looking so much better. The meal prep is simple and the whole process was explained thoroughly. I’m looking forward to seeing what another few months can bring!
FMP Matt Carrol 1
Police Officer
Simon has a really personable and friendly approach to his work. He has really helped me to make those personalised lifestyle changes that really caused results!
FMP Sarah Front
Massive thankyou to Simon from Found My Physique for helping me go way past my goals with amazingly good tasting meals which were so easy to make and stick to. Highly recommend to anyone who is looking for an easy to follow, great tasting diet! Best transformation
FMP James Barnes Front

5/5 Stars on Google


5/5 Stars on Facebook


4.8 Stars on 10to8

Still Scrolling?

“Transformation isn’t a future event, it is a present day activity” – Jillian Michaels


Take action! Lets get the ball rolling!